Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Peeps have been bugging me for some time to start something with the stuff I make. The thing is I love reading everyone else's blogs, what would be the point of writing my own really, when all the inspiration I'd ever dream of is already out there? wee wonderfuls? angry chicken? But perhaps a blog would create accountability in my reckless & reeling approach to crafting. So to all you peeps, you know who you are, here you go.

Happily I volunteered to participate in a school auction. I think the fact I was included in a group email to artists, got me. As in, "really? me? I'm an artist?" As in appeal to my vanity and you'll get your way. So the simple scheme of making a custom softie spread, kind of like crabgrass in our raised veggie-less beds, into something far more replete with accessories.